Word Feast: Fredericton’s Literary Festival presents Amanda Jernigan and Rachel Lebowitz as they launch new books at Westminster Books on May 5 at 2pm.

Bridging secular spirituality and holy reverence with the commonalities of life, death, love, and hope, Amanda Jernigan’s third collection of poetry YEARS, MONTHS, DAYS explores the connection between hymn and poem, recalling the spare beauty of Marilynne Robinson’s novels or the poems of Jan Zwicky and Robert Bringhurst.

On April 10th, 1815, Indonesia’s Mount Tambora erupted. The resulting build-up of ash in the stratosphere altered weather pat-terns and led, in 1816, to a year without summer. Instead, there were June snowstorms, food shortages, epidemics, inventions, and the proliferation of new cults and religious revivals. Hauntingly meaningful in today’s climate crisis, Rachel Lebowitz’s lyric essay THE YEAR OF NO SUMMER charts the events and effects of that apocalyptic year. Weaving together history, mythology, and memoir, it ruminates on weather, war, and our search for God and meaning in times of disaster.

 JerniganLebowitz_Poster_May 5

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